Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Love Pink!

I love love love pink. Yesterday we bought a new computer for me. I am using my computer for work and it keeps crashing etc so we decided to buy a new computer and it is PINK. LOVE IT. It will to be here for a couple weeks but I am too excited. I am just like a kid, I get so excited about new toys!!
I will report and post a picture when it gets here. It is going to be adorable :-)
It has just been a good week. I hope it continues.

Stuggle to concentrate

I am struggling to concentrate today. I have work to do, I know I need to be motivated. We have a lot going on in the next couple weeks and I have a project due next Friday and I cant get going. I am very lucky to have the job, I know that, I just need to get going. For some reason I just want to clean the house...NOW, that would never happen if I didnt have something to do. IF I had the time to clean, I would want to read. I guess it is all relative.
I feel so lucky today. I feel blessed that my husband has provided all of this for us. Katie is so happy, she is walking around all the time now and she seems so happy. All I want is for her to be happy. I love being here with her and seeing her happy.
Today I need to go to the store and get a couple things for our trip and then work on the freelance project. That is the agenda. It is so much different than my life used to be with work and deadlines and stress and meetings. There is a new kind of stress but it is managable.
I just feel lucky today. I hope Katie is in a good mood when she wakes up and we will go shopping.

Monday, August 17, 2009

to blog or not to blog...

That is the question!
This is a place to find people that have similar feelings about life and motherhood.
I love being a mom, I love staying home with our daughter...she is 14 months old now. Staying home and just being a mom brings new challenges. There is the lack of adult conversation and the lack of that feeling of accomplishment from bringing in an income. But there is the satisfaction of knowing that the Katie is safe and in good hands all day. That she is loved and well taken care of. There is also the feeling that sometimes there is never a break. I have a great husband that acts as a sounding board for me. I also freelance on line as often as I can.
I am so lucky to have the ability to stay home. This life has been a great journey but I believe that now that I have had a baby, the real fun is about to begin and I would like to document it all!